At the gym or before sporting events, it’s not unusual to see athletes wearing headphones. Do you recall the London Olympics? Didn’t you want to know what music was pumping through the bodies of the several competitors waiting for their events while they had earbuds in to get them “in the zone”? It is commonly known that music can alter your thoughts, feelings, and movements; as a result, music is a significant component of most exercise regimens.
Strength training can be significantly motivated by listening to music that makes you feel energized. You probably remember a few instances when some upbeat music inspired you to work harder, complete one more rep, or complete one more set to push your workout to the limit.
Twenty men were asked to perform squat jumps at the gym while either listening to their favorite music or nothing at all, and the results showed that the men who listened to music leaped more quickly and forcefully than the men who exercised in silence. Numerous other researchers have consistently found that music enhances strength training.
The importance of music in reducing weariness A wonderful song can divert your attention and enable you to keep up with your routine for extended periods. It lessens pure boredom and keeps your mind awake and in the present.
The ability of music to elevate mood is another advantage. When making a fantastic playlist, you usually choose songs whose lyrics motivate you or whose beat features an excellent bass line. The music keeps your mind from dwelling on failure or defeat.
Another benefit of listening to music is improved motor coordination, which can make your workout more intense. You can keep consistent movement patterns by listening to a solid rhythmic beat. I believe that the perfect rate is between 120 and 140 beats per minute. When lifting weights, your music shouldn’t be too sluggish or uninspiring but shouldn’t be too rapid to make you feel hurried or nervous.
In general, it’s a good idea to take the time to create a playlist if you want to inspire yourself to stay at the gym longer and train more intensely. I enjoy listening to pop songs and dance remixes, but you should pay particular attention to the music that makes you feel energized or inspired. Creating playlists and downloading them to your iPod is simple, thanks to services like iTunes and Spotify. Do you need my assistance? Power Music has my most recent mix, “PUMP IT UP” Vol. 4, which I use to get pumped up while working out.
So please choose your favorite music and turn it on while working out to feel your blood rush. You’ll be sure to achieve the best outcomes from your efforts if you choose the proper tempo to support your weightlifting activities.